

Our rich experience: your brand’s


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We can help keep your brand on track and in shape, across the board

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The brand is at the heart of your business. Is it, and everything it directly influences, working at its best?

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We help achieve this by realigning existing brands, lifting tired ones and developing new or reinvigorated versions

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From swing tickets to packaging, web presence, ads, identity, working environments, product/service portfolio and retail environments etc. we can help you streamline your brand’s competitive edge

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Does the brand have a clear strategy, documented plan and style, that everyone involved with it can consistently build on?

Only a well-founded brand strategy and implementation plan stands the test of time, creating potent competitive differentiation

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From start to long-term strategic planning, your entire public brand presence can be optimised

Not forgetting internal and stakeholder audiences, among others too


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“you don’t know what
you don’t know”

Our approach to brand projects is always designed bespoke, to your objectives and needs, not forgetting to focus on the commercial realities of life, as well as what matters in the bigger picture

Irrespective of whether you are an established or fledgling start-up brand, we essentially follow the same rigorous processes. It’s a relatively simple, logical procedure that is followed, to get the best out of your brand

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The buisness
Market context
Market research

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Target Audience(s)
Brand audit

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Target Audience


Needs & Behaviours
Brand Affinities
Relevant insights

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Product / Service


However, it’s the wide-ranging experiences drawn on, leaving no stone unturned as we explore relevant detail, that leads to stronger, enduring, competitive and outstanding brands

Follow-up includes either partnering with you, or committing to a continued mentoring programme, to make sure all the details are implemented at the right time. Mentoring delivers a confidential sounding board for brand and business ideas, drawing from enterprise experiences and research


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Incorporated in Ireland in 2001. Background: market research then strategic planning directorships in global and local ad agencies; followed by many years’ brand consultancy


Core skills lie in the development of business and brands of all sizes, to help give them real commercial edge

An edge rooted in many aspects of running businesses and in various sectors: ranging from service industries, through finance, tourism, craft, brown goods, motoring and retail, to fmcg and corporate

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Brand strategy

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Marketing planning

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Competitive positioning and proposition development/testing

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Communication strategy development and implementation planning

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New (as well as old) Product Development and innovation

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Identity creation working alongside creative partners

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Market research, working alongside research agencies

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Business development

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Brand name creation


We have worked across the whole spectrum of company sizes. From start-ups, to emerging SMEs and global conglomerates.

Each has its own characteristics, and with decades’ experience, the contribution we make, based on tried and tested diversity, is very potent. Therefore our experience and input represents considerable value for money


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Over the years, we have helped develop brands for a wide range of clients

Past, recent and continuing work includes:

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Hole More Putts

Consulting on brand and marketing strategy, plus name development for Hole More Putts. An Irish golf technology start-up that is really going places having secured PGA and Callaway endorsement and global sales

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Local Enterprise Offices

Mentoring and training Local Enterprise Office (LEO) clients, through many aspects of starting up and running a business, for Dublin City, South Dublin, Meath, Monaghan, Carlow and Louth County Councils

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Design and Crafts Council of Ireland

Mentored many talented and highly creative crafts businesses, many of whom were recent start-ups, for the Design and Crafts Council of Ireland (DCCoI). Assisting them develop or enhance their brands and market presence, as well as guiding website and communications optimisation


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An initial chat always comes free of charge


For an informal consultation outlining what brand engine might be able to do for you, just drop us a line to set one up

Contact Mark Sobczyk (pronounched Sob- chik)

Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Ireland